Shaista Siras is 11 years old. She is an only child, she has no brother and no sister but she has many cousins. She was born in England and she comes from Colombo in Sri Lanka, a small and beautiful island near India. Her favourite French food is « éclair au chocolat ». She loves swimming.
Oli Mandal is a girl. Her nickname is baby. She is 10 years old. She is from India. She lived in Kolkata near Bangladesh . She has no brother and sister but she has lots of cousins .She has long black hair. She moved 3 months ago. She plays badminton. Her favourite food in India is Pani Puri and in France, she loves croissants.
Rebecca Vuidibio is South African from Durban. Her nickname is Becca. She arrived in France 4 or 5 months ago. She is 13 years old. In Africa she likes porridge and in France she loves baguette. She plays volleyball and she likes reading. She has one big brother and one little brother.
Haja Sandy is 12 yearls old. She has one little brother and one big sister. She was born in Conakry, the capital of Guinea but she lived in Sierra Leone. She loves dancing, rap, motocross and boxing. She likes eating fufu. She has lived in France for 2 years and she loves chicken and chips !