Mardi 19 Mars, lors d’un cours de Cuisine Moléculaire, quelques élèves de 3° ont été accueillis par les élèves de la classe euro, et ont pu observer un cours de chimie animé en anglais par Mme Châtaigner et M. Burgunder sur la fabrication d’un Bubble Tea ! Voici 2 articles rédigés par Marion et Arthur, élèves de 3°….in English of course !
"B2B ONLINE Périgueux Monday March 21st 2024 My hour of discovery with the English European class Last Monday, I went to a Chemistry lesson with the English- European class, from 1pm to 2pm, so as to see how does it look like. Together, by groups of two, we created a bubble tea, a new trend in haute cuisine. My school partner was named Simon, we shared out the tasks and started to prepare the drink. We first prepared a viscous liquid for the bubbles appart, after, we created the bubbles by putting our first liquid drop by drop in an other, and finally fished out the bubbles to put them in a normal cup of tea. It was delicious ! During this hour, I think I understood well what the teachers said, and I really enjoyed it.
By Arthur, B2B Online, Thursday March 21st
"B2B Online Périgueux, Thursday, March 21st 2024 Molecular Gastronomy in Chemistry Class On Tuesday, 19th of March, from 1p.m. to 2 p.m, some students of 3°2 attended a Chemistry class with the English-European class. During the workshop, students had to make a bubble-tea, because they studied molecular gaststronomy. When we arrived, we chose a partner to help us understand what we had to do and to follow the protocol. Then, the teachers explained to us that molecular gastronomy is a new trend in haute cuisine, with chef providing their guests with novel and strange culinary experiments using liquid nitrogen, gels and foam and the different steps of the protocol we had to follow. In the first step, we had to make the bubbles. For that, we mixed sodium alginate with distilled water and syrup in a bowl. Then, we put that mixture in another bowl filled with distilled water and calcium with a dropper pipette and the bubble formed. After that, we made the ice tea and we poured the bubbles i it. Finally, our bubbles were made. We tasted it and I found it quite good. Personally, I think that it was a great activity because we learned interesting things and we had a lot of fun. I also liked the English-European class because teachers were really nice and the atmosphere of the class was good and relaxed. To conclude, we had a great time and I would like to thank the students for welcoming us and helping us.
By Marion, B2B Online, Thursday March 21st"